Bakson’s Pelvi Aid Tablets (75 TAB)
For Leucorrhoea & associated symptoms
Female Hygiene Wash
Female Tonic
For feminine health and ailment
Effective in menopausal disorders
For leucorrhoea
For Leucorrhoea
A Syrup for Women
Regulates Menstrual Cycle
Female Tonic
For Menstrual Problems including Amenorrhoea and Dysmenorrhoea
For vertigo, hypertension, sexual weakness, malfunction of pituitary gland, uterine inertia, muscular wekness, amenorrhea with breast atrophy/hypertrophy, prostatitis, nephritis
For symptoms after excision of the ovaries, acne rosacea, menopause, hot flashes, nervousness, ovarian tumours, prurigo, alopecia, constipation
For spinal pain, periodic neuralgias, spinal pains, climacteric disturbances
For diphtheria and other throat affections, hard chancre, inguinal glands enlarged, in subacute bronchitis of syphilitic and scrofulous subjects, congestions of nose and pharynx, mammary tumours
For bad breath, profuse perspiration, bad smell from the body, stools with colic & mucus, blood gum ulcer, excessive salivation, and excoriating leucorrhoea
For leucorrhoea, with pain and cramp in back and thighs
For liver affections with tenderness, pain, constipation, jaundice, poor appetite & indigestion due to milk constipation of infants during dentition, uterine & abdominal cramps, leucorrhoea
For gastro-intestinal catarrh and acidity, constipation due to nervous strain, uterine and climacteric disorders
For anemia, convalescence, neurasthenia, insomnia, increases appetite and production of milk in lactating mothers, the mental capacity of students & young persons with poor appetite
For menstrual irregularity, dyspnea after suppressed menses, acne, attack of bulimia alternating with some phases of anorexia, epilepsy, headache, incontinence of urine, asthma, alopecia, constipation, thyroid disorder due to malfunction of pituitary and hypothalamus gland
For ulceration of sinus, congestion in head, pain from iochrymal duct, root of nose, mucous from posterior nares leucorrhoea and warts
For leucorrhoea with backache and tiredness
For enlarged tonsils, adenoids & uterine fibroids in early stage
For indurated glands, non malignant tumours of breast, inflammations of middle ear and coniunctiva, prostate, mammary, testicular or ovarian hypertrophy
For multiple sclerosis, leucorrhoea with itching in vagina, arteriosclerosis
For chronic bronchitis, leucorrhoea, diarrhoea
For neuralgias, spasmodic asthma, acute coryza, chronic urticaria, dysmenorrhoea, headache
For eructation, hyperacidity, constipation, acrid leucorrhoea, abdominal colic, scanty menses
Helps to regulate estrogen and reduces the symptoms of ovarian cyst
For fibroid, polyps and new growth in the uterus
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