Medisynth Easident Forte Pills (25 GM)
Teething Pills
Calcium Supplement
For Dentition & Fractures
Growth Promoter
Time Tested Health Enhancer
Health Restorative Tonic
For stronger bones
Promotes overall health
For exotasis, gum abscess, difficult teething, nodosities, caries of bone, osteitis, periostitis, osteosarcoma, rachitis, tumours in general, bone necrosis and sinus after mastoid operation
For mentally backward with retarded growth, swollen tonsils, general degenerative changes related to senility
Relieves toothaches, pain, and sensitivity
For dry and wet eczema, cracks
Family Health Tonic
To promote healthy growth, strengthening of bone structure and teeth
For Sour Eructations, Vomiting, Heartburn
For Sour Eructations, Vomiting, Heartburn
For Sour Eructations, Vomiting, Heartburn
For Sour Eructations, Vomiting, Heartburn
For Sour Eructations, Vomiting, Heartburn
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