
Healwell KOF Expectorant Syrup

For Productive, Dry & Hacking Cough

Maximum Price 260.00

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Healwell KOF Expectorant Syrup is indicated to use in
  • Cough with rattling sound of mucus in chest
  • Reduces violent paroxysms of cough and acts as an expectorant
  • Useful in dyspnoea



Bryonia Alba Q
Ipecacuanha Q
Sambucus Nigra Q
Senega Q
Justicia Adhatoda Q
Aspidosperma Q
lodium 3x
Hydrastis Canadensis Q



Adult: Two teaspoonfuls 3-4 times a day or as directed by the physician.
Children: One teaspoonful 3-4 times a day or as directed by the physician.



60 ML, 110 ML, 200 ML, 500 ML


60 ML, 110 ML, 200 ML, 500 ML


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